Nissan NV 200 (YOC since 2009)

Construction Year: 
2009 -

For the Nissan NV 200 we have already designed, manufactured and installed several car canopy beds, so we can provide you with additional information.


Bed size

Width: 130 cm (incl. 30 cm bed extension)

Length: 185 cm 


€250.00 for bed fixings to be mounted on a steel support system (which is necessary in this car)

Optional equipment (see price list)

If you have a Nissan NV 200 with a third row of seats, we highly recommend the optional crank mechanism, as this means that the pneumatic springs are eliminated so that you can fully use the third row of seats (we could of course also install the standard bed, but this would lead to a risk of injury by the pneumatic springs for the passengers on the third row).